Here at FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com we take great pride in running a clean and professional site. Our message board reflects that pride, and to this end we ask all members to please read and adhere to these rules and regulations.
The FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com message board is privately-owned. Posting here is a privilege, not a right. We (the administrators and moderators) reserve every right to delete, ban, IP track, or otherwise dispose of bothersome members at the drop of a hat, with no explanation required. While this may seem harsh, if you post appropriately you should have no problems. However, come here with the intention of disrupting our friendly gathering area and you will find your posting privilileges taken away, or your IP address banned, or possible legal action; depending on the nature of the violation.
General Policies
Unsure of what is acceptable and what is not? Look over some posts for a while, read what seemingly well-respected members say, and use your best judgment. Common sense goes a long way on our site.
Dispute Resolution Procedure
If you have a problem with anyone (member, moderator, or administrator), above all else DO NOT post about it on the board! Issues should be handled in the following manner based on their nature:
Specific Forum Concerns
With all that said, common sense and common courtesy will be your strongest allies here. Happy posting!